• Ayurveda has a holistic approach towards each disease and has its own unique way of treating various ailments after assessing the strength and nature of the individual.
  • Kayachikitsa is the first branch of Ashtanga Ayurveda, which deals with both Shareerika and Manasika vyadhis.
  • Kayachikitsa mainly deals with the correction of Agni which is the baseline of treatment.
  • Kayachikitsa deals with fundamentals of treatment of diseases with clinical skills for diagnosis and treatment modalities as per Ayurveda.


  • Promote qualititative and competative Ayurveda practitioners.
  • Rejuvenate mind and body of all individuals.
  • Gaining confidence in our care by giving trustful experience in healthcare.
  • Encourage and uplift the principles of Ayurveda to cure diseases along with maintaining the health of all individuals.


  • Bringing up compassionate and skilled doctors to the society.
  • Promote evidence based research activities.
  • Provide excellent patient experience.
  • Holistic approach towards the infirmity with comprehensive treatment.



 HOD & Professor  Dr. Vijayaraga Thanvanthiri
 Associate Professor  Dr. Archana A V
 Assistant Professor  Dr. Anjali K V
 Assistant Professor  Dr. Reshma Raghunath