Ayurveda, is one of the several unique gifts, this Bhaarata desha of ours has gifted to the entire mankind. When Vrukshaayurveda and Mrugaayurveda are also taken into consideration, the compassion of the inhabitants of this great land is simply mind boggling.
It is not a mere medical science, but a way of living. Thus, the spectrum of attention, of Ayurveda, far exceeds the aim and objective of a normally envisaged medical science.
The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded, and reinforced the fact, that, it is, not a complementary, but, a complete medical science.
The COVID-19 pandemic has also redefined every conceivable role, of all possible stake holders, in facing the challenges like a pandemic, or still better, a war (-like) situation.
The Nandha Educational Institutions is fully aware of the ground reality, and have grown, from strength to strength, only because we have converted the needs of the society, into our thought/philosophy and action/practice.
Starting from the online classes, the staff and students have responded beautifully/ respectably/extremely well to the COVID-19 crisis, and have set an example for others to emulate. An indication that their combined presence will be a monolith of inspiration for the future students.
We realize that Nandha Ayurveda College has a stellar role to play in the days to come. It is our declared policy that our institutions should be light houses of knowledge, and a fertile learning ground, where both the staff and students evolve.